
法、德高等教育评估中的政府角色 被引量:7

The Role of Government in Higher Education Evaluation in France and Germany
摘要 法国和德国作为欧洲高等教育大国,有着民族国家特有的高等教育历史传统,与其他西方国家相比,两国在现代高等教育评估领域起步较晚,经过30年左右的实践摸索,它们摆脱了早期发展中所遇到的困境,形成了相对完善的高等教育评估体系。政府在体系建构过程中充当了立法者、组织者和监督者的角色,帮助建立了高度专业化的第三方评估机构,全面整合了本国高等教育质量保障体系,在赋予高校自主权的同时,形成了以评估为手段、运用财政杠杆对高等教育进行管理的现代大学治理模式。 As two powerful European countries in higher education, France and Germany have a nation-state special historical tradition. Compared with other Western countries, this two countries' higher education started late. After about three decades of practice and exploration, they get rid of the dilemma encountered by early development, and have formed a relatively complete system of higher education evaluation. In the process of constructing the government acted as the legislator, organizer and supervisor, to help establish the highly specialized third part institution in higher education evaluation. Governments fully integrate their quality assurance system of higher education and enlarge the decision-making power of universities in their own management, and have formed the modem university governance by means of evaluation utilizing financial lever to regulate higher education.
作者 刘皛
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期61-66,72,共7页 International and Comparative Education
基金 2013年中国学位与研究生教育学会重点课题"研究生教育评估制度研究及体系构建"(课题编号:2013Y04)成果
关键词 法国 德国 欧洲民族国家 高等教育评估 政府角色 European nation states higher education evaluation government role
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