
危机后西方政治经济学新进展及其启示 被引量:5

The Revelation of the New Progress of Western Political Economy after the Economic Crisis
摘要 本文梳理和总结了经济危机以来西方政治经济学的新进展,主要包括阶级分析学派、积累的社会结构学派、调节学派对危机的解读,以及《21世纪资本论》的相关内容。本文指出,这次危机源于"劳动与资本关系"、"政府与市场关系"的双重失衡;处理好"劳动与资本"、"政府与市场"的关系,是一个世界性课题;社会主义市场经济的特殊性应当引起理论界的关注。 This paper has summarized the new progress of western political economy since this economic crisis, including Class Analysis School, Social Structure of Accumulation School, Regulation School, and also relating to the content of Capital in the 21st Century. This paper points out that the crisis originated from the double imbalance of"the relationship of labor and capital "and "the relationship of government and market"; how to deal well with these two relationships is a worldwide problem; the particularity of socialist market economy should cause a big attention for all of us.
作者 张开 杨静
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期43-51,共9页 Teaching and Research
关键词 经济危机 劳资关系 政府与市场关系 政治经济学 economic crisis labor relations the relationship between government and market political economy
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