
论稻作萌生与成熟的时空问题 被引量:11

The Origin and Formation of Rice Cultivation: Spatio-temporal Parameters
摘要 本文依靠考古学和古代气候学、地质学、土壤学的资料,试图厘清稻作起源的发祥地以及早期发展的时空问题。本文认为:广义上来说,我们应将江南─岭北整个地带,全部视为人类开始食用稻谷的发祥地,然而,最早栽培水稻农作的发生地区并没有那么广大,且以澧阳平原作为核心。本文内容主要在讨论彭头山文化之前稻作栽培的萌生,以及彭头山文化之后稻作形成与成熟的条件,并认为浙江上山文化不能被视为严格意义上的"稻作发祥地",而仅是一个与彭头山相类似的采集或初步栽培水稻之文化,但与彭头山不同的是,它后来并未形成一脉相承的农耕传统。长江中游的农耕发展,从彭头山以降,经过皂市下层、汤家岗、大溪、屈家岭、石家河等连续发展出来的文化,表现出了完整而一脉相承的进步过程,故而新石器中期的汤家岗文化,已表现出相当成熟的农业文明形态。而长江下游则因其地域的自然条件不稳,在新石器中期时,虽有小黄山、跨湖桥、河姆渡等数度努力发展稻作的文化,但却仅仅是各自表现出了不同的生活方式与文化精神,并未形成一脉相承的农耕技术,所以亦分别遭遇了被湮没、或是农耕技术绝传的情形。因此,长江下游的发展,到了新石器晚期的马家浜文化后段,才算是真正掌握了农耕文明的进展,而渐次发展出相对成熟的农业文明。马家浜、崧泽文化不但快速地吸收长江中游稻作栽培的丰富经验,并在其基础上,更进一步创造了许多新技术与文化内涵,因此又回头重新影响了长江中游及其他地区。之后,崧泽—良渚和屈家岭—石家河文明,则处于互相学习、促进且协同进展的情况。在他们之间,还有颇为重要的北阴阳营、薛家岗等文化。我们必须针对这些文化的稻作特点加以研究,才能更系统性地阐明长江流域早期农耕文明的发展轨迹。在新石器晚期之前,澧阳平原上的先民早已创造了相当进步的稻作农耕技术,因此本文认为,澧阳平原地区才应该被视为人类稻作的发祥地。 This work is based on analysis of the data provided by archeology, climatology, geology and soil science. It is an attempt to clarify the timeframe and geographical scope of origins of rice cultivation. Archeological evidences show that, in a broad sense, gathering and consumption of rice occurred in the whole area south of the Yangtze River and north of the Nan Mountains, however, transition to the cultivation occurred within a much more limited area of the middle flow of the Yangtze River, the plain between the Yangtze andLishui rivers. The idea that rice cultivation originated and had developed in the lower part of the Yangtze River, in what is now the province of Zhejiang, is most likely erroneous.On the middle reaches of the Yangtze river, rice-growing was consistently developed by cultures of Pentoushan, the earlier period of Zaoshi, Tangfiagang, Daxi, Qujialing, Shifiahe, and it was highly developed in the middle period of the Neolithic culture in Tangjia gang. While at the Lower Yangtze River, in the middle period of the Neolith, due to climatic conditions, here were attempts to develop rice cultivation in cultures of Kuahuqiao and Hemudu, these attempts never were consistent evolution. Only in the late Neolithic period, when the culture of Majiabang appropriated the plains of Taihu, the lower Yangtze area quickly developed rice cultivation, mostly, by borrowing technology from the Central Yangtze .Later, agricultural and civilizational processes in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River became closely interrelated, and they mutually stimulated. However, the tree origin of rice development should be considered as the plain between the rivers Lishui and the Yangtze River, in what is now the province of Hunan.
出处 《中国农史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期3-13,共11页 Agricultural History of China
基金 理论粤军.教育部在粤人文社科重点研究基地建设资助项目(项目编号:2013JYBJD03)
关键词 稻作起源 澧阳平原 长江中下游 新石器时代 农业史 origins of rice cuhivalion plains between the rivers of Lishui and the Yangtze the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River neolithic history of agriculture
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