

Silkworms Without Food:on Tao Yuanming's Description of Cao Zhi's Fate in Simulation of the Old Times
摘要 陶渊明《拟古》其九是以著明诗人曹植为主人公的代拟体,是以曹植作品为底文的模拟之作。这首诗的独特叙述视角所呈现出的不仅仅是主人公眼中的外部世界,而且是主人公内在的心灵世界。《拟古》其九是诗人对诗人的解读,是诗人对诗人的发现,是诗人对诗人的刻画,是诗人对诗人的揭示,是遥想中的遥想,是追忆中的追忆。这首诗充分表现了曹植的生存漂泊与心灵漂泊。这是一代诗神的精神诉求,是寻求真理的痛苦呻吟;这是屈原内审式的人生独语,是他对自己内心世界的深度开掘和庄严自问。这首诗具有拟古和咏史的双重诗学属性,具有极高的审美价值和历史价值。 The ninth part of the Simulation of the Old Times by Tao Yuanming takes the renowned poet Cao Zhi as its protagonist, which, from unique narrative perspective, presents more than the external world but the inner world of the poet. The poem is a poet's understanding, discovering, portraying and revealing process of another poet. It recollects and recalls the past and gone. Giving full being of the poet's drift of his fresh and soul, it also tells the spiritual pursuit and truth-seeking process of a great mind; exploring deeply and solemnly of the poet's inner world, it resembles Qu Yuan's soliloquy of life. The poem extols history and takes after the old writing style, and thus is highly praised for its aesthetic and historical value.
作者 范子烨
出处 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第4期78-85,共8页 Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目"陶渊明作品互文性研究"(14BZW176) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目"陶渊明文献精粹汇刊与研究"(12JJD750004) 中国社会科学院创新工程阶段性成果
关键词 陶渊明 《拟古》其九 曹植 春蚕 鱼山 互文性 Tao Yuanming the ninth part of the Simulation of the Old Times Cao Zhi silkworm the Fish Mountain intertextuality
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