
中世纪英格兰家产继承中的限嗣继承 被引量:2

On the Entail in Medieval England
摘要 流行于中世纪英格兰的限嗣继承是一种特殊形式的家庭内部分封,它源于地产主家长为女儿提供嫁资的习俗。后来,被广泛用于为家庭中的余子提供资助,从而成为地产主规避以长子继承制为主要特征的普通法继承规则的常用手段。14世纪,限嗣继承演变成限男嗣继承,这种新型的限嗣继承背离了地产主设计限嗣继承的初衷,又重新开始强调长子继承权益,以确保家系流传。尽管如此,限男嗣继承与之前的限嗣继承一样,同是适应时代需求而生的产物。 'Entail',being popular in medieval England,was one of the special forms of family settlement.It stemmed from the custom named 'maritagium'by which landowners provided a parcel of land for their daughters,and later was widely used by fathers to aid younger children with family estate. It helped fathers achieve some kind of right to bequest their land and evaded the common law inheritance rules,which was characterized as primogeniture. In the 14 th century,the entail evolved into tail male,a new type of entail,which was often used to limit the inheritance right of heiresses and ran contrary to the original intention of the landowners. The rights of the eldest son were once again given prominence in order that the continuity of family property was ensured. Although entail and tail male had different legal implications,they were both the products of their respective ages and should be understood in their social and cultural contexts.
作者 陈志坚
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期96-107,159,共12页 World History
基金 国家社科基金青年项目<中世纪英国财产权研究>(项目编号:10CSS003) 教育部全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资助<英国财产继承研究--制度 习惯及其传播>(项目编号:201115) 霍英东高等院校青年教师基金项目<中世纪英国非主流财产继承习惯>(项目编号:131097) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目<法典 习俗与第三方--近代早期英国与中国财产继承比较研究> 中共中央组织部首批青年拔尖人才支持计划资助
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