
《圣经》中“贤妻”形象的女性主义解读 被引量:3

Feminism of the virtuous wives in biblical classics
摘要 以女性主义研究方法解读《圣经》中的贤妻形象,笔者发现,由于男性掌握话语权,《圣经》中描述的"贤妻"形象与圣经时代的女性并非完全一致。为建构"贤妻"形象,圣经作者采取了男性叙事视角、次情节结构和妻子形象的扁形化等多种叙事策略,借此影响现实中的女性,强化男权意识。从圣经文学的影响来看,圣经中所刻画的"贤妻"形象对西方文学具有原型意义,圣经中的贤妻标准与女性独立人格意识的矛盾成为西方文学经久不衰的主题。 It is argued that while man is dominant in the Biblical discourse, the image of virtuous wives is not in complete accordance with those in reality. In order to construct ideal wives in the man-dominant society, the biblical authors resort to various ideological strategies including masculine point of view, minor plot, and flat women, whose purpose is to influence on women, but, in effect, the male dominating society is consolidated. The Biblical depiction of virtuous wives provides western literature with an archetype.
作者 马月兰
出处 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第5期85-91,共7页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 河北师范大学2012年度科研重点项目(项目编号:S2012Z04)
关键词 《圣经》 贤妻形象 女性主义 叙事策略 重构 Bible virtuous wife feminism narrative strategy reconstruction
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