
钢框架梁柱弱轴栓焊混合连接翼缘削弱型节点破坏形态试验研究 被引量:7

Experimental study on the failure mode of reduced beam section connections of the bolted-welded connection of steel frame beam-column about minor axis
摘要 为研究钢框架梁柱弱轴栓焊连接翼缘削弱型节点的力学性能,设计了3个翼缘削弱节点试件及1个普通节点试件(对比试件)。对4个试件进行低周往复荷载试验。结果表明,4个试件的破坏形态相似;焊缝通过孔的大小和加工对试件破坏形态及塑性铰的出现有重要影响,由于焊缝通过孔的影响,削弱试件没有实现塑性铰外移。为有效实现塑性铰外移,建议将焊缝通过孔设置在削弱位置外侧,或者不设焊缝通过孔。 In order to study the mechanical property of the reduced beam section ( RBS ) connections of the bolted-welded connection of steel frame about minor axis, three RBS connection specimens and a common connection specimen for comparison were designed. The low cyclic loading experiments were applied for all specimens. The results show that the failure mode of four specimens is similar ; the size and processing of weld access hole have important influences on the failure mode of specimens and the emergence of the plastic hinge. The RBS specimens can not realize the shift-away of plastic hinge because they are influenced by the weld access hole. In order to achieve it, the weld access hole should be set on the lateral side of reduced section or be canceled.
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第17期30-33,共4页 Building Structure
基金 国家自然科学基金(51278259) 山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金(BS2009SF004)
关键词 翼缘削弱型节点 低周往复荷载试验 力学性能 reduced beam section connection low cyclic loading experiment mechanical property
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