
“作者—文本—读者”一体化解读机制——以工作记忆为基础的文化规约视角 被引量:4

“Author-Text-Reader” Unity:From the Perspective of Cultural Convention Based on Working Memory
摘要 针对西方文学批评—审美史上先后出现的作者中心、文本中心和读者中心三种典型的理论范式,作者认为这些均源自割裂主义的单一视角理念,进而以工作记忆理论为依据、尝试建构一个"作者—文本—读者"一体化多视角认知解读模式。第一,文本解读的实质是所指重构,但文本意义是在相应文化图式的背景下作者、文本、读者三者互动、经由读者建构的结果。第二,所指重构涉及工作记忆,系文本意义产生的场所。第三,认知加工的对象涉及社会历史文化因素,读者是其中的一部分,受作者和文本支配和引导。本文旨在为建设性后现代文学思想提供相应的理论支持。 This paper advocates that the three typical paradigms for literary criticism and aesthetics in the western his- tory, namely, author-centered, text-centered, and reader-centered, all have arisen out of a uni-perspective; and the author aims to set up an integrated cognitive interpretation model as ' author-text-reader' unity on the basis of the the- ory of Working Memory ( WM), an attempt that holds the following views. First, the essence of text interpretation is ' signified' reconstruction, but the meaning of a text is to a large extent decided by the interaction among the author, the text, and the reader against the relevant cultural schema, a process along which the reader plays a key role. Sec- ond, signified reconstruction is concerned with WM, which is the venue where text meaning is created. Third, the processing content of cognition involves the social, historical and cultural background, of and by which the reader is a part and is oriented. The work here is important because it is meant to announce a theoretical support to the Post- modern Constructivist literary trend arising in the past two decades.
作者 彭宣维
出处 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期73-80,共8页 Journal of Foreign Languages
基金 国家社会科学规划基金项目(07BYY063)析出成果
关键词 “作者—文本—读者”一体化 工作记忆 解读 文化规约 "author-text-reader" unity Working Memory interpretation cultural convention
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