
唐代彩绘陶质文物的酥粉研究 被引量:5

Characterization of salt efflorescences on colored pottery in Tang dynasty
摘要 陕西陇县神泉村唐墓最早发掘于1955年,其中承载着重要历史文化信息、对于研究中西部文化交流和民族交往、融合等具有重要意义的彩绘文物正在面临严重酥粉而逐渐消失在历史舞台.利用超景深显微系统、扫描电子显微镜、离子色谱和x射线衍射等方法,分析探讨典型酥粉彩绘陶质文物样品的化学成分、微观形貌以及含有的可溶盐离子成分、浓度等,提出含量占样品总质量3.70%~10.74%的可溶盐NaCl和NaNO3是导致文物酥粉的主要原因,证明了陶质裂纹的起裂并不意味着样品的破坏,破坏的本质在于可溶盐结晶受力过程中微裂纹的扩展和贯通,在环境相对湿度变化引起裂纹的扩展贯通过程中,样品质量、形貌、孔径和强度都发生着一定程度的变化,其中NaCl结晶体对陶质样品产生的负压压力较大,破坏性最强.本研究揭示了承载着重要历史文化信息彩绘陶质文物酥粉的重要原因,为进一步酥粉陶质文物的保护研究提供科学依据. The colored pottery in Tang dynasty unearthed from Tang tomb in 1958 was gradually disappeared with serious salt efflorescence in the stage of history, in which the most important historical and cultural information as well as cultural exchanges and national association in central and western regions was reflected. Based on the multi-perspective analysis of properties such as composition, micro-morphology and salt contents and constituents in typical efflorescence colored camel and horse potteries, with the test methods of digital microscope, scanning electron microscopy, ion chromatography and X-ray diffraction, the results indicated the soluble salts contained 3.70%-10.74% in the total mass of ancient potteries such as NaC1 and NaNO3 were the main reason for the pottery efflorescence and decay. The native cracks in the pottery were not the reason but the expansion and connection of the micro-cracks appeared during the salt crystallization was the nature for the destruction of the sample. Some changes such as quality, morphology, pore size distribution and flexural strength occurred on the change of relative humidity condition, in which the most destructive was the crystallizations of NaC1 soluble salt. In his study, the important reason for the serious efflorescence and decay of colored pottery was revealed and theoretical and scientific support for the conservation of next step was provided.
出处 《中国科学:技术科学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期926-938,共13页 Scientia Sinica(Technologica)
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"计划)(批准号:2012CB720901) 国家自然科学基金青年基金(批准号:51302302) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号:51232008)资助
关键词 唐墓 彩绘陶质文物 酥粉 可溶盐 裂纹 Tang tomb, colored pottery, salt efflorescence, soluble salt, micro-cracks
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