本试验通过多梯度赤霉素处理无核白葡萄,使用高效液相色谱法检测赤霉素残留,以无核白葡萄粒质量、穗质量、可溶性固形物含量、产量等为品质关键指标,以使用赤霉素后残留量为安全指标,研究了赤霉素应用对无核白葡萄品质和残留的影响。由试验结果可知,赤霉素处理150 mg/kg能使无核白葡萄粒质量达3.72 g,穗质量达402 g,可溶性固形物达20%,产量达2211 kg/667m2,鲜食品质达到了一等品的要求,经高效液相色谱法检测无残留。
The experiment of multi gradient GA3 were contucted on Thomson Seedless grapes, to investigate the effect of GA3 application on the quality of grape and its residue in fruit. The quality indicator including berry weight, cluster weight, soluble solids content and yield. According to the test result, after GA3 150 mg/kg treatment, the berry weight 3.72 g, cluster weight 402 g, total soluble solid up to 20%, the yield was 2211 kg/667m2. The fruit quality grade reached the first-class, without GA3 residue in fruit which was detected by HPLC.
Sino-Overseas Grapevine & Wine