Kwan, Chu and Yang Architects operated in China for a little over thirty years. In the second part of his history of early modern China's largest architectural and engineering fi rms, Huang Yuanzhao describes the fi rm's national expansion--fi rst into Manchuria and northern China, and then southward into Nanjing and Shanghai--and concludes in 1949, when one of the partners, Zhu Bin went to Hong Kong and the other two, Yang Tingbao and Yang Guanlin decided to remain in China. The fi rm thrived because it adjusted to constantly changing social, economic, and political conditions. It redefi ned its clientale three times(1931, 1937, 1945) and restructured after two splts(1937, 1949). Indeed, Huang Yuanzhao observes that fi rm's architectural success and were as much a result of the partners' ability to navigate years of turmoil, as they were a product of technical excellence and aesthetic innovations.
World Architecture Review