
幼儿园教师专业伦理规范三国品 被引量:4

An Analysis of Early Childhood Teachers' Professional Ethical Codes in America, England and Australia
摘要 上世纪后半叶,全美幼教协会、英国早期儿童教育协会、澳大利亚早期儿童教育组织等幼教专业组织先后制订、出台和实施了幼儿园教师专业伦理规范。品味这三国教师专业伦理规范发现:幼教专业伦理规范的不可或缺性需要行业内部达成广泛共识;专业组织应在其中起到持续引领作用;规范文本的内容应该直面幼教实践以利于行动。美、英、澳三国的经验启示我们:中国学前教育界也应把专业伦理规范的制定提到议事日程;专业组织应该有所作为推动其成;规范条款要着眼于教师的外显行为;规范内容要以解决幼儿园教师的行为困惑为基点。 The kindergarten teacher's ethical codes had been released by early childhood professional organizations which include NAEYC, BAECE and ECA in the later 20th century. Through the analysis of the ethical codes in America, England and Australia, we found that a general consensus about codes of Ethical Conduct needs to be achieved in the field of early childhood education; the professional organization should take the responsibility of leading; and the content of normative texts is beneficial to the field practice. The inspiration can be drawn out from the above research. Making the Chinese ethical principles of early childhood education should be put on the agenda; professional organizations should be helpful to fulfill the achievement of ethics; the content should be based on practice and the basic point of the normative text is to solve the confusion about the teaching behavior.
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第18期50-56,共7页 Research in Educational Development
基金 教育部人文社科项目"幼儿园教师专业伦理研究"(11YJA880001) 浙江省哲学社会科学重点项目"幼儿园教师专业伦理:缺失与生成(11JCJY02Z)的部分成果
关键词 美、英、澳 幼儿园教师专业伦理 特点与启示 U.S., UK, australia, early childhood teachers" professional ethical codes, characteristics and inspiration
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