
低配比GTL柴油和生物柴油的燃烧颗粒排放特性 被引量:3

Particle Emission Characteristics of Low-Blend GTL and Biodiesel Fuels
摘要 以一台电控高压共轨柴油机为样机,研究了柴油机分别燃用低配比天然气合成油(GTL柴油)、低配比生物柴油混合燃料的颗粒排放特性。所用燃料分别为纯柴油、GTL柴油体积掺混比为10%的燃料(G10)、生物柴油体积掺混比10%的燃料(B10)。研究了该机燃用这三种燃料的烟度、颗粒数量及粒径分布特性。研究结果表明:柴油机燃用G10燃料、B10燃料的排气烟度均低于纯柴油,B10燃料的排气烟度低于G10燃料;柴油燃用三种燃料的排气颗粒数量大多呈明显的单峰或者双峰对数分布。B10燃料的核态颗粒数量在各工况下均为最高,G10燃料在各负荷下全粒径范围内聚集态颗粒与核态颗粒的数量几乎均为最低。随负荷增加,柴油机颗粒总数量呈总体上升趋势。各工况下,柴油机燃用B10燃料的颗粒总数量最高,G10燃料的颗粒总数量最低,核态颗粒数量的差异在其中占主导地位。 Particle emission characteristics of an electronic-controlled high pressure common-rail diesel engine with low-blend gas-to-liquids (GTL) and low-blend biodiesel fuels were studied, and pure diesel fuel, G10 (10% GTL blend with diesel fuel) and B10 (10% biodiesel blend with diesel fuel) fuels were used. The exhaust smoke, number of particles and particle size distribution of the tested engine with three fuels were investigated. The results show that the exhaust smoke of the engine with G10 or B10 is lower than that with pure diesel fuel. Compared to G10, the exhaust smoke of the engine with B10 is lower. The number of particles shows mostly in unimodal or bimodal log-normal distribution. The number of nuclear particles of the engine with B10 is the greatest. Both numbers of agglomerated particles and nuclear particles of the engine with G10 are the lowest. The total number of particles increases with the ascendance of engine load. In all engine operation conditions, the total number of particles of the engine with B10 is the largest, and that with G10 is the lowest. The number of nuclear particles is a dominant factor contributing to the difference.
出处 《内燃机工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期1-5,共5页 Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50906062) 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划项目(2012AA111717) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2012)
关键词 内燃机 柴油机 天然气合成油 生物柴油 烟度 颗粒数量 粒径分布 IC engine diesel engine gas-to-liquids biodiesel smoke number of particles size distribution
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