
全面深化改革需注意解决的三个问题 被引量:1

The Problems Remained in the Process of Comprehensively Deepening Reform
摘要 我国正处于全面深化改革和经济社会发展的关键时期,需要规避国际国内各种风险,夺取改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新的胜利。在经济方面,要坚持以新型工业化道路为指针,转变发展方式为主线,结构调整为重点,科技创新为支撑,改革开放为动力,正确处理国民经济运行中的各项比例关系,增强经济活力,提高竞争水平,推动经济社会持续健康发展的思路。在政治方面,要解决改革开放的目的、宗旨和方向问题;要坚持"党委集体领导与个人分工负责相结合"的制度;要坚持群众路线的领导方法和工作方法,树立马克思主义的劳动观点、群众观点、阶级观点、辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义观点;要在全党开展马克思主义的理论教育、群众路线教育,整党整风,反对腐败,纯洁党的组织,优化干部队伍。在意识形态领域,要对各种非马克思主义思潮,进行有理有据、有说服力的批判,决不可任其泛滥。 Our country is right at the critical moment of comprehensivelydeepening reform and the economic and social development, which should avoid all kinds of risks at home and abroad to succeed in the reform and opening up as well as the construction of socialist modernization. In the aspect of economy, we should take the new industrialization road as the guidance, the transformation of development mode as the mainline, the structural adjustment as the key point, the scientific innovation as the support and the reform and opening up as the driving force. Correctly understand and manage the various proportional relationships in the operation of national economy and increase the economic vitality as well as the level of competition, promoting a continuous and healthy development of the economy and society. For the politics, we need to clarify the purpose, aim and direction of the reform and opening up, insisting on the system that combined the collective leadership of the Party committee with the individual division of responsibility in the Party and government offices as well as enterprises and public institution. We should stick to the mass line leadership and working method, establishing Marxist labor view, mass line viewpoint, class view, dialectical materialism and historical materialism. Carrying out the theoretical and mass line education of Marxism in the whole Party, consolidating and rectifying the Party to against corruption and purify it with the optimization of cadres. In terms of ideology, to all kinds of non-Marxist ideological trends, we should criticize with a justified, scientific and persuasive manner. Under no circumstances should we compromise and allow it to rampant.
作者 张作云
出处 《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期7-13,91,共7页 Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories
基金 国家社科基金项目"<资本论>与当代资本主义金融危机研究"[09BKS035]的阶段性成果
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