
应用超弱光子辐射评价菠菜叶片衰老方法可行性 被引量:6

Feasibility of evaluation method for spinach leaf senescence based on biological ultraweak photon emission
摘要 为了研究植物叶片衰老评价及其无损检测方法,采用外源H2O2诱发菠菜叶片衰老,研究了H2O2胁迫下菠菜叶片细胞超弱光子辐射的变化规律及其与叶片衰老的关系。结果表明,在H2O2胁迫过程中,菠菜叶片自发光子辐射随着胁迫时间的延长而增加,外界光诱导的延迟光子辐射也表现出明显的变化。根据细胞自发光子辐射和延迟光子辐射的生物学意义,采用延迟光子辐射积分强度和自发光子辐射的比值作为描述细胞整体状态的状态参量,结果发现,在H2O2胁迫过程中,基于细胞超弱光子辐射的菠菜叶片细胞状态参量的变化与叶绿素含量的变化呈现良好的正相关,相关系数为0.91437,暗示通过细胞状态参量的变化可以推测菠菜叶片细胞的状态与衰老程度,进而实现对菠菜叶片衰老程度的无损检测,为植物叶片衰老评价提供了一种新方法。 Evaluation of plant leaf senescence is one of the core issues of life science research, which is generally based on the physiological indicators such as chlorophyll content,malondialdehyde (MDA) content. This evaluation method requires to destroy plant cells,resulting in inaccurate measurements and many other issues. Non-destructive testing and evaluation of leaf senescence has not been resolved. Plant cells in life activity will produce ultraweak photon emissions which include spontaneous photon emission and delayed photon emission induced by external light. The ultraweak photon emission of living cells is closely related with many processes such as physiological metabolism, photosynthesis, and cell division. Through analysis and interpretation to the ultraweak photon emission of plant cells, a new method for non-destructive testing of plant leaf senescence could be proposed. For this purpose, spinach leaves in vitro were treated with H2O2. Spinach leaf senescence caused by H2O2 stress and the ultraweak photon emission of spinach leaf under H2O2 stress were studied in this paper. The results showed that the spontaneous photon emission of spinach leaves increased with the extension of H2O2 stress time and was positively correlated with changes of MDA content in leaf, with a correlation coefficient of 0.90415, and the changes of spontaneous photon emission in leaves reflected the changes of membrane lipid peroxidation degree in plant leaves. The study also found that the change of delayed photon emission induced by external light also occurred in the process of H2O2 stress. Compared with the control group, the delayed photon emission of spinach leaves decreased rapidly. According to the biological significance of spontaneous photon emission and the delayed photon emission of plant cells induced by external light, using the ratio of integrated intensity of the delayed photon emission to the spontaneous photon emission as a state parameter to describe the overall state of cells, it was found that the changes of cell state parameter based on ultraweak photon emission of cells were positively related to the changes of chlorophyll content in cells in the process of leaf senescence under H2O2 stress, with a correlation coefficient of 0.91437. This result suggested that the degree of cells senescence in leaf could be speculated through the change of cell state parameter based on ultraweak photon emission of cell, so as to realize non-destructive testing and evaluation about the degree of cells senescence of plant leaves. The photonics method of leaf senescence evaluation proposed in this paper needs to be verified in more experiments in different plant leaves.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第17期268-275,共8页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51277151) 西安理工大学科技创新计划项目(2013CX019)
关键词 辐射 无损检测 叶绿素 叶片衰老评价 H2O2胁迫 细胞超弱光子辐射 细胞状态参量 radiation non-destructive examination chlorophyll evaluation of plant leaf senescence H2O2 stress ultraweak photon emission of cell cell state parameter
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