目的探讨粗针穿刺病理活检对于乳腺肿块术前诊断及良恶性鉴别中的应用价值。方法收集我院64例患者采用超声引导行穿刺组织病理活检的乳腺肿块的资料,对其穿刺组织病理结果进行分析,并与术后病理活检结果对比,从而评估穿刺组织病理活检在乳腺肿块病例中的诊断价值。结果 64例患者中良性病变33例(51.6%),其中包括炎症疾病6例(9.4%),纤维腺瘤25例(32.8%),良性叶状肿瘤2例(3.1%);恶性肿瘤28例(43.8%),包括乳腺浸润性导管癌27例(42.2%),淋巴瘤1例(1.6%)。本组病例阳性率为95.4%,准确率为98.4%。结论超声引导下粗针穿刺活检具有方便、创伤小、有较高的阳性率及准确率,在乳腺肿块的早期诊断方便具有重要意义。
Objective This paper explores the value of bodkin puncture biopsy in the pre-breast-lump-surgery diagnosis and the differentiation of benign and malignant tumors. Methods Data of 64 patients with breast lumps who had received ultrasound-guided bodkin puncture biopsy in our hospital were collected, and the results of bodkin puncture biopsy were analyzed and compared with the results of postoperative biopsy to evaluate the value of bodkin puncture biopsy in the diagnosis of breast lumps. Results 33 (51.6%) benign lesions were found among the 64 patients, including 6 (9.4%) cases of inflammatory diseases, 25 (32.8%) cases of fibmadenoma, 2 (3.1%) cases of benign phyllodes tumor; 28 (43.8%) malignant lesions were found among the 64 patients, including 27 (42.2%) cases of breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma and 1 (1.6%) case of lymphoma. The positive rate of patients in this group was 95.3% and the accuracy was 98.4%. Conclusion Ultrasound-guided bodkin puncture biopsy is characterized with convenience, little trauma as well as high positive rate and accuracy and is valuable in the early diagnosis of breast lumps.
Guide of China Medicine
Breast lump