

Meaning of Education Institution and Problems Being Paid Attention to Transplantation of Education Institution
摘要 制度移植作为现代制度构建中的一种重要手段,在教育界被广泛应用。被移植的教育制度是外生的,它会受本土环境和内生制度等因素的影响而失去在原本教育制度中的意义,原本的教育制度在被移植的过程中必然会发生一定的改变或出现一些问题。如果不能有效地解决这些问题,势必会影响教育制度本身的价值,使之无法落实和实施,那么移植来的教育制度就会成为无本之木,不能生存和发展,更无法得到充分应用。在分析教育制度的意义和阐述教育制度移植的概念的基础上,提出了教育制度移植过程中须注意的四个问题,旨在为我国教育制度变迁的实践提供一定的理论参考。 As an important means in the modern institution construction, the institution transplantation is widely used in the educational circles. Transplanted education institution is exogenous, it will be affected by the factors such as local environment and endogenous institution and lose in its original meaning. In the process of the transplantation, the original education institution is bound to change a little or encounter problems. If the problems can not be solved effectively, the value of the education institution is bound to be affected and the transplantation can not be implemented or enforced. Then the education institution transplanted will have no its foundation and can not be survive and develop, even can not be fully used. On the base of the analysis on the meaning of the education institution and the explanation of the concept of the transplantation of the education institution, this paper puts forward four problems that must be payed attention to in the process of the transplantation so as to provide theoretical reference for the practice of the change of the education institution in China.
作者 张轩
出处 《广东轻工职业技术学院学报》 2014年第3期40-43,共4页 Journal of Guangdong Industry Polytechnic
基金 四川省重点哲学社会科学研究基地"四川高等职业教育研究中心"专项课题(GZY12B27)
关键词 教育制度 教育制度的意义 教育制度移植 education institution meaning of education institution transplantation of education institution
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