
基于Lyapunov理论的海底采矿车点镇定控制 被引量:5

Point stabilization of seabed mining vehicle based on Lyapunov theory
摘要 以我国海底采矿车为研究对象,针对其非完整性和非线性的特点,基于Lyapunov理论,提出海底采矿车点镇定控制系统的控制律,证明在此控制律作用下海底采矿车位姿误差是收敛的;设计基于Lyapunov理论的点镇定控制器,采用ADAMS/ATV履带车模块和MATLAB/simulink软件,建立海底采矿车的多刚体动力学模型和基于Lyapunov理论的点镇定控制模型及二者的协同仿真模型,对海底采矿车的点镇定控制仿真进行研究。研究结果表明:海底采矿车在基于Lyapunov理论所设计的点镇定控制器作用下,能快速而平稳地镇定到目标位置和姿态,所提出的控制律和所设计的控制器对于海底采矿车行走控制是有效的。 According to the underactuated and nonlinear characteristics of the seabed mining vehicle in China, the kind of control law based on the Lyapunov theory in the point stabilization controlling system was put forward. And it was proved that the position and direction error of seabed mining vehicle was converged during the action of this control law. The point stabilization controller was designed. Using ADAMS/ATV module and MATLAB/simulink software, the co-simulation model based on multi-rigid-body dynamics model and point stabilization control model of seabed mining vehicle was established. And the point stabilization control co-simulation of seabed mining vehicle was carried out. The results show that the seabed mining vehicle can move rapidly and steadily to the target position and direction during the action of the controller based on Lyapunov theory, and the proposed control law and the designed controller are effective for moving control of the seabed mining vehicle.
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期2624-2628,共5页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"计划)项目(2014CB0463005)
关键词 海底采矿车 点镇定 LYAPUNOV理论 协同仿真 seabed mining vehicle point stabilization Lyapunov theory co-simulation
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