
鼻流量测试新语句材料的效度检验及鼻流量值的性别差异分析 被引量:5

The Validity of New Material for Nasalance Evaluation and Nasalance Gender Score Differences
摘要 目的:检验鼻流量测试新语句材料的测试效度,并分析其测试结果的性别差异。方法应用本研究编制的鼻流量测试新语句材料和目前中国主要使用的鼻流量测试原语句材料,用NasalView 棆鼻流量测试仪测试102例年龄18~23岁的北京在校大学生的鼻流量值,男女各半,均在北京出生且居住18年以上,均以北京话为交流语言,比较其结果和男女差异。结果①新材料鼻腔句、口腔句和口鼻腔句测试的平均鼻流量值分别为56.58%±3.43%、33.86%±5.24%和49.49%±4.13%,原材料的测试结果分别为54.31%±4.43%、35.64%±5.90%和47.12%±4.96%,差异均有显著统计学意义,且女生较男生高(均为 P<0.01);②鼻流量测试新材料与原材料测试结果之间有相关关系,鼻腔句 r=.899( P<0.01),口腔句 r=0.850( P<0.01),口鼻腔句 r=0.8510( P<0.01);③新材料测试结果的标准误较原材料更小,差异有极显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论鼻流量测试新语句材料具有较好的测试效度,与原语句材料之间存在较高的相关关系,利用新材料进行鼻流量测试时,其结果会更准确,可信度更高;正常青年女性鼻流量值较男性高。 Objective This study aimed to develop reading material for nasalance evaluation ,and find out na-salance scores associated with genders .Methods The NasalView ? (Tiger Electronics Inc .,Seattle ,USA) was used to obtain nasalance values in the new and old material .A total of 102 subjects (51 males ,51 females) who have lived in Beijing for 18 years or longer at the time of the experiment received the tests ,the results from two pieces of material and the mean nasalance gender score differences were compared .Results The mean nasalance scores of sen-tences were 56 .58% ± 3 .43% for'Nasal sentence',33 .86% ± 5 .24% for'Oral sentence',and 49 .49% ± 4 .13% for'Oro -nasal sentence'respectively in the new material .The mean nasalance scores of sentences were 54 .31% ± 4 .43% for'Nasal sentence',35 .64% ± 5 .90% for'Oral sentence',and 47 .12% ± 4 .96% for'Oro-nasal sentence're-spectively in the old material .There were significant differences between males and females through materials .The nasalance gender score differences showed that females were bigger than males (P〈0 .01) .This study found a cor-relation between the new and old materials :'Nasal sentence'(r=0 .899 ,P〈 0 .01) ,'Oral sentence'(r= 0 .850 ,P〈0 .01) ,and'Oro -nasal sentence'(r=0 .851 ,P〈0 .01) .The standard error difference showed that the new was smaller than the old (P〈0 .01) .Conclusion The new material for nasalance evaluation has a better test validity ,and there is a high correlation between the old materials .The usage of the new material for nasalance evaluation will produce more accurate results with higher credibility .Normal female's nasalance scores were higher than males .
出处 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期471-474,共4页 Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology
基金 上海市哲学社会科学项目(2012JG003-BYY963)
关键词 鼻流量测试 语句材料 性别 NasalView Nasalance scores Reading materials Gender NasalView
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