
水凝胶的制备及其在工程化组织和器官构建中的应用 被引量:7

Hydrogels' Fabrications and Their Applications in Constitution of Engineered Tissue/Organs
摘要 近年来水凝胶作为一种柔软而富有弹性的三维网络结构功能高分子,越来越多的热点研究都集中在高性能、智能化水凝胶的制备和应用上。水凝胶的制备方法概括起来包括物理交联、化学交联及辐射交联,因其具有良好的亲水性、锁水性、溶胀性、以及组织黏附性、生物降解性和生物相容性等特点,在工程化组织和器官构建中得到广泛的研究和应用。本文对水凝胶的分类、制备及其作为组织工程支架中的应用进行综述和展望。 As one kind of functional polymeric materials with three-dimensional network,hydrogels with highperformance and intelligence have been much studied recently. Hydrogels can be classified and prepared according to their components and properties. The fabrication technologies can be summarized into physical,chemical and radiative crosslinking. Due to their good features such as wettability,water-keeping,expansibility,biodegradability and biocompatibility,hydrogels have been widely applied as scaffold materials in constitution of engineered tissue /organs. This article reviews the hydrogel's classifications,preparations and potential applications in tissue engineering.
出处 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期307-312,共6页 Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81171476) 浙江省杰出青年团队基金(R2101166) 宁波市创新团队基金(2011B82014)
关键词 水凝胶 制备 应用 组织工程 器官构建 hydrogel fabrication application tissue engineering organ constitution
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