研究了高温合金GH909的激光焊接。通过光学显微镜、X射线衍射仪等方法,研究了GH909激光焊接头的组织和性能特征。结果表明,激光功率3.6kW、焊接速度4m/min、保护气流量2.5 m3/h是比较合适的激光焊接工艺参数;焊接过程中出现的缺陷有气孔、下塌、未焊透等;焊缝硬度明显高于母材,其峰值达到267 HV;焊缝区的组织主要有胞状晶、树枝晶,成分偏析比较严重;焊缝中主要的物相除有γ基体相外,还有γ'-Ni3Al相、η-Ni3Ti相、γ″-Ni3Nb相、Laves-Ni2Ti相以及少量的β-NiTi相。
In this paper,laser welding GH909 was performed. The microstucture and performance characteristics of GH909 joints in laser welding, using optical microscope,x-ray diffractometer and other methodologies. The results displayed that the proper technical parameters were laser power of 3.6 kW,welding speed of 4 m/rain and shielding gas flow of 2.5 m3/h. The typical defects during laser welding were porosities, weld sagging,incomplete penetration ect al. The microhardness in the seam zone was obviously higher than that of the base metal ,which was as high as 183HV. The microstucture in the seam zone was cell and dendritic structures and the composition segregation was quite serious. The main phases in the seam zone were γ γ'-Ni3Al,η-Ni3Ti,γ″-Ni3Nb, Laves-Ni2Ti phases and a small number of 13-NiTi phase.
Electric Welding Machine