
发挥市场机制 切实推进医疗服务体制改革 被引量:2

Play the Role of Market Mechanism and Effectively Promote Health Care Reform
摘要 "使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用"是中国深化改革的核心。中国医疗服务市场的问题日益突出,根源在于忽略了市场的力量、市场的机制及市场经济的大环境、大前提。因此要发挥市场机制作用,切实推进医疗服务体制改革——划分政府与市场职责,解开对公立医疗机构的种种束缚,多利用经济、信息的手段。 "Let the market play a decisive role in the resources allocation and better play the role of government" is the core of China's deepening reform. Problems in China's medical services market have become increasingly prominent, and ignoring the market forces, market environment and market economy mechanism and premise. So it should play the role of market mechanisms and promote the health care reform, the responsibilities of government and market should be divided, and unlock constraints of public medical institutions, and more use economic means of information.
作者 于保荣
出处 《卫生经济研究》 2014年第10期19-24,共6页
基金 对外经济贸易大学学科建设专项经费(XK2014123) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71173135/G0308) 美国中华医学基金会"卫生政策与体系科学青年学者国内培训与研究"资助项目(CMB09-991)
关键词 竞争机制 市场失灵 政府失灵 医疗服务系统 医改 competitive mechanism market failure government failure health care system health carere forlTl
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