目的 :通过对上海市卫生"十二五"规划的中期评估,摸清"十二五"规划各项卫生工作方面具体的进展情况,以评估结果为下一阶段的规划工作提供科学的实证依据。方法 :上海各区县卫生局(卫生和计划生育委员会,以下简称"卫生计生委")及直属单位自评、上海市卫生计生委组织领导及专家现场调研和第三方评估。结果 :上海市"十二五"规划中期各指标完成的达标情况显示规划取得显著成效,基本达到时间过半,任务过半的要求,但同时也可见在资源配置、人力资源、卫生急救服务等方面离目标还存在距离。结论:需要重点解决服务供给与居民需求不平衡这一主要矛盾,完善配套政策制度,并制定相应的解决措施,保证卫生规划的顺利实施。
Objective: To find out the concrete progress of the health planning through interim evaluation of 'Twelfth Five-year Plan" of health in Shanghai. The results of the evaluation would provide scientific empirical basis for the planning in the next stage. Methods: Self-evaluation of district ( county ), health bureaus ( commissions of health and family planning ) and affiliated institutions was conducted. Field research was organized by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Heahh and Family Planning and third party self-evaluation was conducted. Results: The interim completion of indicators of "Twelfth Five-year Plan" of health in Shanghai showed that the planning achieved remarkable results. The planning basically reached the goal that more than half of the time passed and more than half of the tasks had been completed. But there were still problems in resource allocation, human resources and emergency medical services. Conclusion: The principal contradiction of imbalance between delivery of health services and residents' demand needs to be focused and resolved. The matched policies need to be improved and appropriate solutions need to be developed to ensure the smooth implementation of the health planning.
Chinese Health Resources
health planning
Twelfth Five-year Plan
interim evaluation