为了实现对大功率RF LDMOS晶体管的精确测试,提出了一种应用切比雪夫阻抗变换夹具进行负载牵引测试的方法。这种方法通过将阻抗变换夹具的S参数在负载牵引系统中去嵌入,使得测试端面的特性阻抗从传统的50Ω变换到10Ω,扩大了系统的测试范围,能准确有效地完成大功率负载牵引测试。实际测试飞思卡尔公司的AFT09S282N的结果表明,该方法达到了预期效果。
In order to test the high power RF LDMOS transistor accurately, chebyshev transformation test fixture using in load-pull system is proposed in this paper. This method transforms the character impedance of reference plan from 50Ωto 10Ωby de-embedding the S parameters of the test fixture in load-pull system. Then, the tuning range of load-pull system is expanded and the accurate and efficient load-pull system can be done. The actual test result of Freescale's AFT09S282N shows that this method achieved the desired effect.
Electronic Design Engineering