
角接触球轴承的动态参数建模与试验研究 被引量:1

Dynamic parametric modeling and tests for angular contact ball bearings
摘要 针对角接触球轴承动态刚度和阻尼特性分析的问题,建立了考虑基础响应的单自由度动态参数测试力学模型;搭建了轴承动态参数识别试验装置,测试及分析了不同的载荷条件对轴承径向和轴向动态刚度及阻尼的影响。试验结果表明:随着轴向载荷增大,轴向刚度、径向刚度逐渐增大,轴向阻尼、径向阻尼先减小后增大;随着径向载荷增大,轴向刚度、径向刚度逐渐增大,轴向阻尼、径向阻尼先增大后减小再增大。 Aiming at dynamic stiffness and damping characteristics analysis problems of an angular contact ball beating , a single-DOF dynamic model of such a bearing considering foundation response was built to identify its dynamic parameters here. An experimental device for identifying the bearing dynamic parameters was developed to test and analyze the effects of different loads on the radial and axial dynamic stiffnesses and dampings of the bearing. Test results showed that with increase in axial loads, the axial stiffness and the radial one increase, the axial damping and the radial one forstly decrease and then incrase; with increase in radial loads, the axial stiffness and the radial one increase, the axial dumping and the radial one firstly increase and then decrease, and fuhher increase again.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第18期140-144,共5页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家"高档数控机床与基础制造装备"科技重大专项(2012ZX04010-011)
关键词 角接触球轴承 动态参数模型 刚度 阻尼 angular contact ball bearing dynamic parametric model stiffness damping
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