

Practice and Application of Docking Technology in Fully Mechanized Working Face
摘要 以18105综采工作面对接实践为例,介绍了工作面对接的关键技术,并对综采工作面前期准备工作和实施步骤进行分析。该工作面的成功对接,既保证了工作面回采工作的连续性,也加快了工作面推进速度,有助于提高矿井的综合经济效益。 Taking 18105 fully mechanized ground practice as an example, analyzes the key docking technology, the preparatory work and implementation steps of working face. The success of docking of the working face ,ensuring continuity of working surface stoping work, accelerate the speed of working face advancing, improved the overall economic efficiency of mine.
作者 张军伟
出处 《科技创新与生产力》 2014年第10期81-82,85,共3页 Sci-tech Innovation and Productivity
关键词 工作面对接 关键技术 准备工作 顶板控制 docking of the working face key technology preparatory work roof control
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