为探索战斗部剩余速度的评估方法,采用不同方法的战斗部剩余速度评估结果差异规律。分别使用贝尔金公式和数值方法对半穿甲战斗部侵彻钢甲的剩余速度进行计算,得到初始侵彻速度介于0.25~3.0 Ma范围内半穿甲战斗部的多组剩余速度值,总结出其内在规律,并通过该战斗部侵彻钢板的实物试验验证该差异规律结论的正确性。同时,对具有不同弹形的另2种战斗部侵彻钢甲的剩余速度进行贝尔金公式和数值仿真计算,与实物试验结果对比表明,同样符合该差异规律结论。
In order to explore the method to evaluate the exit velocities of the warhead and the laws of the differencebetween the results on evaluating the warhead exit velocity using different methods. The exit velocities of thesemi-armor-piercing warhead piercing the armor are calculated using Beljen expressions and numerical simulation methodsrespectively. Several groups of the warhead's exit-velocity values are obtained, corresponding to which the initial velocitiesrange from 0.25 Ma to 3 Ma. The differences between the results from the two methods are analyzed and the inherent lawsare concluded. Furthermore, the validity of the conclusions is validated via experiments. At the same time, the exitvelocities of the other two warheads penetration armor are also calculated using Beljen expressions and numericalsimulation methods, according to which the experiments are also performed, which indicate that the difference between theresults from the two methods are also accord with the conclusion of the laws.
Ordnance Industry Automation
Beljen expressions
numerical simulation
initial velocity
exit velocity