

When Formal Laws and Individual Desire Collide: Birth Control Policy and Contraceptive Choice
摘要 以中国已婚育龄个体避孕措施选择的定量及定性相结合的分析为研究起点,揭示育龄个体避孕诉求与国家计划生育意志之间存在冲突的社会事实,即个体偏好短效自控型避孕措施,而国家着力推行长效医控型避孕措施。当个体诉求与国家意志相遇,在互动中发生有限理性条件下的演进博弈,并形成演进稳定策略,出现唯一非合作演进均衡。 Using the large scale data from the national conventional statistics and nationally representative sample surveys, the current study aimed at assessing the social fact that there was a conflict between the birth control policy and the individual childbearing desire. The policy encouraged individuals to pursue long - acting contraceptives use, however, the individuals preferred to choose short - acting methods. There existed a non - cooperative Evolutionarily Stable Strategy(ESS) in the evolutionary game in which the central government was satisfied with the long - acting methods prevalence and the individuals were satisfied with their choices. The study demonstrates that how individual desire can bend the iron bars of the formal institutions.
作者 王存同
出处 《人口与发展》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期96-108,共13页 Population and Development
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目资助 中央财经大学科研创新团队支持计划资助
关键词 计划生育 个体避孕行为 演进博弈 有限社会理性选择 birth control policy contraceptive choice conflict, evolutionary game bounded rational choice
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