
美国教育学界精英形成的社会条件和内在机制 被引量:3

The Social Condition and Internal Mechanism for the Emerging of American Educational Elites
摘要 19世纪末20世纪初是美国教育学界精英集中涌现的黄金时代,这一时期美国教育学界精英进行了大量开创性的研究,他们所确立的教育学术研究传统以及形成的学术秩序成为美国教育研究范式的根基。美国教育学界精英群体的崛起作为一个事件和问题,一方面折射出造就教育学界精英产生的一般社会文化条件,另一方面也反映出教育知识生产及其学术精英培养的内在机制和理智环境。 During the end of 19th and early 20th century, a large number of American educational elites emerged. Meanwhile, they conducted many creative researches, and established a new research paradigm and academic order which laid a solid foundation for American educational research. As a phenomenon and problem, the emerging of American educational elites, on the one hand, reflected the general social condition for the rising of educational elites ; on the other hand, suggested the internal mechanism for the production of educational knowledge and the cultivation of academic elites.
作者 康绍芳
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期136-145,共10页 Educational Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"美国教育学术秩序形成机制研究(1890-1920)"(项目编号:13YJC880035)的研究成果
关键词 美国教育学界精英 社会文化条件 研究范式 学术秩序 American educational elites in academic circle, social and cultural condition, research paradigm, academic order
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