Ke Shaomin came from Shandong and lived in the capital city. He is a learned scholar who is an expert in history,explanations of words in ancient books and inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets. His monumental and representative work is The History of the Yuan Dynasty,because of which he won the title of"the Person of the Twenty-Five Histories". Besides,as the compiler-in-chief and acting curator,he completed the History of the Qing Dynasty,which is known as "the Twenty-Sixth History". He devoted himself to education. Not only did he have teaching experiences in Hunan and Kiangsi,but also held the post of supervisor in Metropolitan University. He was regarded as the last"teacher of the emperor",insisting on teaching when he was old. Research on Ke Shaomin is very rare due to the lack of historical materials. There were complex and manifold relationships between him and other celebrities during the period of late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China,which helps deepen the research on him and broaden the scope for the history of the Qing Dynasty.
Journal of Weifang University
Ke Shaomin
Jiao-Wei Hsien
History of Qing Dynasty
History of Yuan Dynasty