

Examination and Counter-Examination:The Turning Point of Competition between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in the Recovered Areas after the Anti-Japanese War
摘要 抗战胜利之初国民政府对收复区教职员及中等以上学校学生和毕业生进行的甄别审查,尽管涉及面不宽且在多方压力下草草收场,但却成为战后国共两党在收复区角力的转折点。甄审政策设计与实践中所贯穿的"正伪之辨"主题,事实上强加给甄审对象乃至整个收复区民众一种类似"国家之耻"的道德耻辱,而甄审结果与生存机会的结合,又给潜在受害者造成直接的心理打击与恐慌,故政策实施之初就激起强烈反弹。面对迅速蔓延的反抗运动,当局以变通方式勉力推进,结果不仅激化了矛盾,还暴露出政府虚与委蛇、内部失调的体制性弊端,导致公信力的丧失和政治权威根基的动摇。其间,中共地下组织利用补习班的入学便利和甄审引发的不满情绪,顺利介入反甄审运动,并按照"争取理解,培养信任,发展组织"的路线,逐步掌握了运动的领导权,成功地将战后学运从依靠政府争取合法权利引向反专制、争民主的轨道。在此基础上,中共加强舆论攻势,在国民政府心脏地带进一步扩张声势、壮大组织,为"第二条战线"准备了力量和基地。在两党力量和影响力此消彼长的过程中,国共政争之胜负已初见分晓。 At the early stage of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War,the National Government examined the staff,students and graduates of the school above average in the recovered areas.The movement did not involve a lot of people and ended in haste under significant pressure,but became the turning point of the political competition between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in the recovered areas after the Anti-Japanese War.The theme of the distinction between loyal and treacherous in the policy design and practice of examination,imposed a national shame that's similar with moral disgrace on the objects of the examination and all the people in the recovered areas.On the other hand,the combination of the result of examination and the chance of survival brought a direct hit and panic to the potential victims.So the policy aroused strong response at the beginning.Faced with the rapid spread of the resistance movement,The National Government pushed the examination in flexible ways.As a result,the contradiction was intensified,and the institutional drawbacks of government were exposed,the credibility of government lost,the foundation of authority shook.In the meantime,the underground organization of Communist Party took advantage of the chance of entering the cram school and the discontent caused by the examination,smoothly intervened the counter-examination movement.According to the procedure of gaining understanding,culturing trust,developing organization,the Communist Party gradually master the leadership of the movement,turned the student movement after the Anti-Japanese War from relying on the government for the legitimate right to anti-dictatorship and struggling for democracy.On the basis,the Communist Party developed organization in the heartland of the National Government,prepared the forces and the base for "the second line".In the process of the change in power and influence,the outcome of political struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was beginning to see.
作者 张福运
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第5期74-79,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 教育甄审 反甄审 国共政争 学生运动 Counter-examination the political struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party student movement
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