
“修德以轻货财为首务”——对依纳爵社会和经济观念的现代反思 被引量:1

Modern Reflections: Social and Economic Thought in St. Ignatius of Loyola's Works
摘要 研究西方经济史的学者注意到,许多基督宗教人士在16、17世纪资本主义勃然兴起的时期,曾经自觉或不自觉地放弃对个人主义道德的批评。然而基督宗教的主流派别,包括罗马天主教,始终保留着与贪婪和剥削冲突的社会经济观念。在16世纪创立耶稣会的依纳爵·罗耀拉并不排斥工商业活动,而且认为不能回避市场经济带来的制度和生活变化。他严厉批评对财富的贪婪以及由此派生的野心和傲慢。他鼓励信徒积极介入社会生活,包括从事工商业,但是要求他们接济贫弱者,注重财富的社会公益性。耶稣会人士主要关注的不仅仅有传教和文化教育,还有繁重的济贫、照看孤儿、挽救娼妓等社会福利工作。在商业社会批评贪婪永远是惹人厌烦的事情,然而这是历史上基督宗教人士经常做的。他们的言行还说明,把基督宗教简单看作是资产阶级的一种思想文化,恐怕是值得商榷的一种思路。 Scholars of Western economic history have noted that Christian churches began to abdicate from their profound influence over economic conduct and business ethics during the 16th and the 17th centuries when modern capitalism was gathering its momentum. Be that as it may, Christians never stop insisting that social justice and common good must not be replaced by economic expediency. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, was one of them. While acknowledging that economic development was necessary in any vigorous society, he assigned avarice and acquisitiveness to the camp of Satan. He was anxious in counseling the faithful to use wealth for poor relief administered by the Jesuits, including the ministries to the sick, the dying, prostitutes and their children. The early Jesuits have been known as missionaries and scientists, but they also passionately committed themselves to the works of mercy wherever they went. If one understands modern capitalism as the uncritical worship of economic power and material wealth, its spirit is without doubt opposed to Christian social thoughts, such as business ethics acceptable to Ignatius.
作者 彭小瑜
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期88-101,共14页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 依纳爵 耶稣会 基督教 经济思想史 Ignatius of Loyola, Jesuits, Christianity, history of economic thought
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  • 1R. H. Tawney, Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, New York: Mentor Books, 1954, pp. 227 -234.
  • 2彭小瑜.“经济利益不是生活的全部”——理查德·亨利·托尼的资本主义批判[J].史学集刊,2011(4):5-22. 被引量:9
  • 3J. Brodrick, The Economic Morals of the Jesuits: An Answer to Dr. H. M. Robertson, London: Oxford University Press, 1934, pp. 1- 21.
  • 4John W. O' Malley, The First Jesuits, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard UniversityPress, 1993, pp. 96, 150.
  • 5Robert P. Maloney, "The Teaching of the Fathers Raymond de Roover, "The Scholastic, Usury, and 257 - 271.
  • 6Giacomo Todeschini, Franciscan Wealth: The Franciscan Institute, 2009, pp. 151 -196.
  • 7Giacomo Todeschini, Franciscan Wealth: From Voluntary Poverty to Market Economy, Saint Bonaventure: The Franciscan Institute, 2009, pp. 151 -196.
  • 8Dominique Bertrand, La politique de S. Ignace de Loyola, Paris: Cerf, 1985, pp. 275 -291.
  • 9John Patrick Donnelly, "Religious Orders of Men, Especially the Society of Jesus", in John W. O' Malley, ed., Catholicism in Early Modern History: A Guide to Research, St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research, 1988, pp. 147 - 162.
  • 10Ludwig Pastor, History of the Popes, vols. 1 - 2, London : John nodges, 1891.


  • 1托尼.《宗教与资本主义的兴起》,塞利格曼所写“学报版导言”,第22页.










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