

On Deng Xiaoping's Diplomatic Thoughts towards African Countries
摘要 中国与非洲国家的关系是中国对外关系的重要组成部分。与50-70年代中国对非洲国家外交政策的特点相比,改革开放以后的中国对非洲国家的外交政策在保持友好合作和政策连续性的同时,出现了一些变化。邓小平在中非外交政策调整中作出了重大贡献,主要思想有:中国永远站在第三世界一边,中国永远不称霸;继续援助非洲国家;淡化国家关系和党际关系的意识形态倾向;经济上平等互利,共同发展;交流发展经验;国际上反对霸权主义和种族主义。从实际效果来看,20世纪80年代的中非关系是承上启下,继往开来的,不仅继承了毛泽东时期重视非洲国家在世界政治权力斗争中的作用,而且加大了经济外交的内涵,加强了中国与非洲国家合作的经济基础。鉴于非洲国家在当今世界和中国对外关系中的重要地位,研究邓小平对非洲国家的外交政策思想具有历史意义和现实意义。 The relationship between China and African countries has been essential ingredient of the Chinese foreign relationship. After the reform and opening-up, China has maintained friendship and continuity of policies with and towards African countries, meanwhile there have been some shifts in Chinese foreign policy towards Africa compared with that of the 1950s to 1970s. Deng Xiaoping made great contributions to the adjustment of Chinese foreign policy towards Africa. His main thoughts include the following: China will always stand on the side of the third world, and will never seek hegemony ; China will go on to aid Africa; China will undermine the ideology of the relationship of the CCP and the foreign parties ; China will seek equality and mu- tual benefit in economy, exchange development experience, and struggle against hegemonism. Practically, the relationship between China and African countries in 1980s formed a connecting link between the p and the following and continued to forge ahead, which not only emphasized Africa' s importance in politics in the period of Mao Zedong, but also enhanced the meaning of economical diplomacy, and roceeding the world strengthened the economical foundation of the economical cooperation between China and African countries. Due to the significance African countries play in the world and China' s foreign relations, there is historic and realistic significance in the research on Deng Xiaoping' s thoughts towards and impact on African countries.
作者 王亚明
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第5期117-124,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 浙江省社会科学联合会研究课题"邓小平与20世纪80年代的中非关系"(2011N020)
关键词 邓小平 非洲国家 外交思想 作用 Deng Xiaoping African countries diplomatic thoughts impact
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