

Dynamic Equivalence to Wind Farm with Doubly-Fed Induction Generators
摘要 实际风电场包括多台风电机组,对其机械和机电特性动态建模,需要引入大量微分方程,计算量较大。文章提出并实现了一种双馈感应风机机电暂态过程的等值算法。对风力机、传动系统、感应发电机、变流器及控制系统分别进行合并。考虑了风速在额定值以下或以上时,风力机采取速度控制和功率控制策略,分两种情况等值风速和风能利用系数。分别考虑电网故障和风力机风速扰动,比较等值前后风电场出口电压和功率,以及电网中同步发电机功角和频率。仿真结果表明,所提等值算法误差小,计算效率高,对风电系统暂态稳定分析具有良好的应用效果。 Many differential equations and notable calculation effort are required to analyze dynamics of the wind farms with doubly-fed induction generators ( DFIGs).An equivalent algorithm is proposed and implemented to simulate the electromechanical transient of DFIGs .The wind turbines , the transfer shafts , the induction generators , the converters and the control functions are combined .Equivalent wind speed and wind energy utilization coefficient are separately defined considering the speed /power control of the wind turbines with the wind speeds below or over the rated values .With network contingency and wind speed variation , the terminal voltage and power of the wind farms , and the power angle and frequency of the synchronous generators are quantified before and after the equivalence .Simulation results validate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm for wind power system transient stability analysis .
出处 《安徽电气工程职业技术学院学报》 2014年第3期1-9,共9页 Journal of Anhui Electrical Engineering Professional Technique College
关键词 双馈感应电机 动态等值 风力机 变流器 暂态稳定 doubly-fed induction generator dynamic equivalence wind turbine converter transient stability
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