通过7根层布式钢纤维混凝土(layer steel fiber reinforced concrete,LSFRC)梁的正截面抗弯承载力试验,研究了钢纤维的掺量以及钢纤维混凝土层的布置厚度对LSFRC梁的抗裂性能,挠度以及承载能力的影响。试验结果表明,LSFRC梁的抗裂性能明显优于普通钢筋混凝土梁,而且钢纤维混凝土层的厚度是提高LSFRC梁的抗裂性能的主要因素。基于已有研究和试验数据,对LSFRC梁的抗裂度的计算公式做出简单论述。
Through the test of flexural capacity of normal section by 7 layer steel fiber reinforced concrete beams,the influence of crack resistance property,deflection and carrying capacity were studied considering the content of steel fiber and the arrangement thickness of layer steel fiber reinforced concrete.The experimental results showed that the crack resistance of LSFRC beam was superior to the ordinary reinforced concrete beams,and the thickness of the layer steel fiber reinforced concrete was a major factor to improve the performance of crack resistance of LSFRC beams.Based on existing research and test data,the formula for crack resistance of LSFRC beams were made a simple exposition.
Science Technology and Engineering