On January 15,2014 the project on development and application of the FCC additive for maximization of propylene and isobutylene yield undertaken by the SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing(RIPP)as the leading organization in collaboration with the Baling Petrochemical Company(BPC)and the SINOPEC
On January 15, 2014 the project on development andapplication of the FCC additive for maximization of propyleneand isobutylene yield undertaken by the SINOPECResearch Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP) as theleading organization in collaboration with the Baling PetrochemicalCompany (BPC) and the SINOPEC CatalystBranch Company had passed the technical appraisal organizedby the Sinopec Corp. According to the preliminaryestimation, the refinery of BPC can through tapping its ownpotential increase economic benefits totaling around 40million RMB brought about by application of this additive.