慢性心力衰竭(Chronic Heart failure,CHF)已成为严重威胁人类健康的疾病,西医治疗方案虽能改善心室重塑的机制,但不能完全有效逆转或阻止CHF的进行性发展,研究证明,中医药在防治CHF方面具有很大优势,本文对中医药治疗CHF的临床研究作一综述,以期为CHF的中西医结合治疗提供临床证据。
Chronic heart failure was a serious disease that threatened human’s health. Western medicine treatment could improve mechanism of ventricular remodeling, but it could not fully reverse or stop the development of CHF. Studies showed that TCM had great advantages in prevention and treatment of CHF. The paper reviewed clinical research in TCM, and it aimed to provide clinical evidences in the integrative medicine.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine