
煤炭企业转型路径及能力分析 被引量:13

Analysis of transformation paths and capabilities for coal companies
摘要 面对世界经济增长放缓、煤炭产能过剩、进口煤冲击、新能源挤占及煤炭产业面临的环保、安全、节能、减排等约束不断增强,煤炭企业必须选择转型升级之路。向安全型、资源节约型、环境友好型及内涵发展型转变是煤炭企业转型的目标所在,而产业结构调整、管理模式转变及企业技术创新是煤炭企业实现转型升级的必由路径。为实现转型目标,煤炭企业需要具备"三大板块,五大要素"的能力结构:转型战略规划能力板块要素作用于企业转型战略的制定,构成了企业转型战略规划能力板块;资源整合能力、管理控制与创新能力两大要素构成了企业转型战略执行能力板块,直接作用于阶段性战略的实现;转型文化重塑能力、持续学习能力两大要素构成了企业转型基本推动能力板块。 In the background of slowdown of world economy, coal overcapacity,impact of imported coal and new energy, and more constraints including environmental protection, safety, energy conservation, emission reduction and so on, transformation is necessary for coal industry and coal enterprises. Industrial restructuring ,management changes and technological innovation is the three necessary transforming paths. Faced with new tasks in the transformation, the capabilities of coal companies are challenged. In this context,the transformation capabilities framework is built, which includes three plates and five elements. The three plates are as follows:transformation strategy planning capabilities plate, transformation strategy implementation capabilities plate and fundamental drive capabilities plate;The five elements are as follows: capability to remodel corporate culture, capability to plan transforming strategy, capability to integrate resources, capability of management control and innovation,and continuously learning capability.
出处 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2014年第10期35-38,共4页 China Mining Magazine
基金 教育部博士点基金(联合)项目"矿产企业扩张行为与扩张战略研究"资助(编号:20123718110006) 山东省自然基金项目"煤炭企业跨地域扩张能力和风险研究"资助(编号:ZR2009HM011) 山东省技术创新项目"资源型企业生态工业发展模式创新与实践"资助
关键词 煤炭企业 转型路径 企业能力 coal companies transformation paths enterprise capabilities
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