
小额外标记染色体与不育的研究进展(英文) 被引量:2

Small supernumerary marker chromosomes detected in connection with infertility
摘要 不育受年龄、激素水平、病毒感染、免疫、遗传、手术创伤以及配子异常等因素影响。回顾文献发现,染色体畸变与不育密切相关。不育患者小额外标记染色体(sSMC)的携带率约是正常人群的3倍。根据sSMC数据库(http://ssmc-tl.com/Start.html)收录,已有225个病例研究发现sSMC主要来源于15号或14号染色体。不育患者的sSMC中,53%是通过遗传获得,且更倾向于来自母亲。同时,sSMC的遗传有一定的性别差异,携带有sSMC的母亲更倾向于遗传给儿子,反之,携带有sSMC父亲更倾向于遗传给女儿。少弱畸精子症患者携带的sSMC多数来源于近端着丝粒染色体,而反复自然流产夫妇携带的sSMC大多来自非近端着丝粒染色体。本文全面综述目前sSMC与不育相关性研究,有助于理解遗传异常在不育发生过程中的作用。 Infertility is known to be associated with chromosomal aberrations. Here the author reviews hitherto yet published ea- ses of infertility identified to be carriers of small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC). According to the sSMC web page (ht- tp://ssmc-tl, corn/Start, html) there are now 225 cases of sSMC detected and characterized for their chromosomal origin and genetic content in infertile but otherwise clinically healthy persons. In 54% of the cases, sSMC originated from chromosome 15 or 14, and wasparentally transmitted in over 50% of the infertile sSMC-carriers. To the best of the authors knowledge, this is the largest review of in- fertile sSMC-carriers ever done. Natl J Androl, 2014, 20 (9) : 771 -780
作者 Thomas Liehr
出处 《中华男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2014年第9期771-780,共10页 National Journal of Andrology
基金 Supported in parts by the Else Krner-Fresenius-Stiftung (2011_A42)
关键词 小额外标记染色体 不育 分子细胞遗传学 家族遗传 新发生 常染色体变异 small supernumerary marker chromosome infertility problem molecular cytogenetics familial de novo euehromatic variation
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