
EGFR基因rs1024750多态性显著影响钙加维生素D干预绝经后白人妇女的血钙水平(英文) 被引量:1

SNP rs1024750 polymorphism in the EGFR gene significantly influences serum calcium levels in postmenopausal Caucasian women
摘要 目的:考察EGFR基因多态性对钙加维生素D连续4年干预绝经后白人妇女血钙等人体成分的影响。方法:本研究共招募美国中西部农村地区201名绝经后白人妇女,每日三次服用钙剂(乳酸钙1 400mg/d或碳酸钙1 500mg/d)加维生素D(1 100IU/d),170名受试者完成了4年的临床试验。用Haploview软件4.2版挑选EGFR基因35个目标SNP并基因分型。每年对受试者的人体成分进行测试,分析目标SNP与人体成分的相关性。结果:在人体成分中,仅有血钙基础水平与EGFR基因rs1024750位点基因多态性显著相关(P<0.05),血钙水平AA型>GA型>GG型。进行钙加维生素D干预后,血钙每年的变化值与该位点多态性显著相关,血钙变化值GG型>GA型>AA型。结论:EGFR基因rs1024750位点多态性与钙加维生素D干预绝经后白人妇女体内的血钙水平变化值显著相关。 AIM: To study the effect of genet- ic polymorphisms of EGFR gene on the body composition, including blood calcium level, in postmenopausal Caucasian women through ana- lyzing the data of a 4-year longitudinal supple- mentation of calcium and vitamin D. METH- ODS: A total of 201 postmenopausal non-His- panic Caucasian women were recruited from ru- ral Midwest area of the USA. They were admin- istrated with calcium (either calcium citrate 1 400 mg/d or calcium carbonate 1 500 mg/d) and vitamin D (1 100 IU/d) supplementation three times per day for 4 years. One hundred- seventy subjects completed the 4-year clinical trial. A total of 35 candidate SNPs were selected with Haploview software 4. 2 and genotyped. The cohort's body compositions after calcium and vitamin D intervention were measured every year. Association analysis between target SNPs and phenotypes of body composition was conduc-ted. RESULTS: Among the cohort's body compo- sitions, only serum calcium level at the baseline was significantly associated with rs1024750 SNP in EGFR gene (P^0.05), carriers of AA geno- type had the highest baseline level while the GG genotype was the lowest. The annual changes of the serum calcium levels were significantly asso- ciated with rs1024750 SNP from Year 1 to Year 4 with calcium and vitamin D intervention (P〈0.05), the serum calcium level of GG genotype had tremendous change, it was more than the total of AA and GA genotypes. CONCLUSION: The rs1024750 polymorphism in EGFR gene was significantly correlated with the changes of ser- um calcium level after calcium and vitamin D supplement women. in postmenopausal Caucasian
出处 《中国临床药理学与治疗学》 CAS CSCD 2014年第7期772-779,共8页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
基金 supported by grants from the Cancer and Smoking Disease Research Bone Biology Program the Nebraska Tobacco Settlement Biomedical Research Development Award,NIH grants(3R01CA129488-01A2S2 and AG14683) a grant from State of Nebraska Cancer and Smoking Disease Research Program(LB595)
关键词 EGFR 基因 单核苷酸多态性 维生素D EGFR genetics single nucleo-tide polymorphism calcium vitamin D
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