
普萘洛尔治疗婴儿血管瘤临床应用进展 被引量:5

The progresses in clinical experiences and research of propranolol in the treatment of infantile hemangiomas
摘要 婴儿血管瘤是最常见的婴儿良性肿瘤,重症血管瘤会引起严重的并发症,导致毁形性损害、功能障碍甚至危及生命。普萘洛尔作为一种新的治疗血管瘤的方法已在临床应用多年,取得了很好的疗效,但也出现一些不良反应。该文对普萘洛尔治疗婴儿血管瘤的可能作用机制、临床应用经验,如用药年龄、剂量、疗程、疗效及不良反应等进行总结概述,以提高普萘洛尔治疗婴儿血管瘤的认识,更好地指导临床应用。 Hemangiomas are the most common benign tumor of infancy, severe hemangiomas can impair vital or sensory functions or cause disfigurement, even lead to life-threatening airway compromise. Many reports have been published demonstrating the impressive effect of systemic propranolol in the management of infantile hemangiomas (IH) in recent 5 years. This paper summarizes the progresses in clinical experiences such as the protocols for initate age of systemic propranolol, the dosage, duration, efficacy and adverse effect and mechanisms of propranolol treatment of IH, so as to improve recognition and management of propranolol in treating IH.
作者 李丽 马琳
出处 《实用皮肤病学杂志》 2014年第5期361-363,共3页 Journal of Practical Dermatology
关键词 血管瘤 普萘洛尔 临床应用 作用机制 Hemangiomas Propranolol Clinical experiences Mechanisms
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