The value transformation model of Boitkiewicz is the most pioneering re- search of the modern transformation. But Boitkiewicz introduced reproduction balance problem into the transformation problem, and make the Boitkiewicz study of traditional into dilemma due to the unrelated question interference, resolving the transformation problem when Boitkiewicz encountered difficulties, Dickinson put forward the value and price are different levels of quantity, do not have to look for the solution of equa- tion of invariance, thus transformation problem value transformation of production price, misreading for realization of commodity value for money price problem. In the 1980s, the wrong thought of Dickinson has been inherited and carried forward by the economists such as Foley, who, by emphasizing the between labor time and money, proposed the monetary expression of labor time (MELT), and as "a new interpretation" to solve the transformation problem. Whether Dickinson's argument of the value and price of different levels of quantity, or Foley's "new interpretation"of MELT, are no in-depth analysis the real reason of Boitkiewicz study of traditional predicament formation, and therefore will not be able to find a way out of the problem in the crisis of scientific path, in fact to make the transformation problem research misguided.
China Review of Political Economy
the value transformation
invariance equation
the monetary expression oflabor time