
夏玉米不同品种各阶段氮素效应综合评价方法 被引量:2

Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Effects of Nitrogen on Summer Maize Varieties at Different Stages
摘要 了解作物养分效应机制是合理施肥的重要理论基础。本文以浚单20、农华101和中农大4号3个玉米栽培品种为材料,综合品种遗传特征、光温及群体大小3个主要影响植株氮素效应的因素,以BLUP方法为基础,建立玉米品种间、不同器官在各生育阶段的氮素效应综合评价方法。结果表明,氮素效应评价模型中,各阶段日平均干物质积累量的理论值与实测值的相关性r值分别为0.988、0.881、0.973、0.929;用独立试验样本对氮素效应评价模型检验,其配对t检验的P值均大于0.05,差异不显著;不同生育阶段、不同玉米品种氮素效应参数值有较大差异;氮素固定效应值在不同生育阶段、同一阶段的不同氮素构成中均表现出较大差异。综上,利用本文改进后的BLUP方法进行氮素效应评价及特征分析可以深入阐释不同玉米品种在各生长阶段积累的氮素对干物质生产的作用及影响,并进一步明确玉米氮素效应的共性特征、品种间的遗传差异、光温及群体影响机制等生物学规律。 Understanding nitrogen effects at various maize growing stages will benefit to fertilization regime recommendation and thus improve grain yield. Three maize varieties, Xundan 20, Nonghua 101, and Zhongnongda 4, were cultivated with different combinations of plant density and fertilizer levels in the experiment. During the growth period, daily temperature was recorded and leaf, stem, bract, spike-stalk and grain were sampled for the analysis of nitrogen concentration. Considering the three main factors which are genetic characteristics, environment impacts (light and temperature) and population differences affecting nitro-gen effect comprehensively, the modified BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) method was used to evaluate and analyse the nitrogen effect on different maize varieties and different organs at various growing stages. The results showed that correlation coefficients (r) between simulated daily dry matter accumulation and observed data were ranged from 0.88 to 0.99. Comparing independent sample to test evaluation model, paired t-test analysis showed no significant difference at P〉0.05. The fitting effect was good in this model. For different growth stages and different maize varieties, there were significant differences for the pa-rameters of nitrogen effect. The fixed effect of nitrogen showed significant difference at various growth stages and in different nitrogen constituents at the same stage. In conclusion, modified BLUP method can be well used to evaluate and analyse character-istics of the nitrogen effect, which can explain the function and influence of nitrogen accumulation on dry matter production at each growth stage of different maize varieties. It can further illustrate the biological law in maize, such as the common character-istics of nitrogen effect, the genetic differences between the varieties and the influence mechanism of sunlight, temperature and population.
出处 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期1808-1818,共11页 Acta Agronomica Sinica
基金 国家"十二五"粮食丰产科技工程项目(2011BAD16B10 2012BAD04B02) 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203031)资助
关键词 玉米 氮素效应 温度效应 品种效应 生育时期 Maize Nitrogen effect Temperature effect Varieties effect Growth stage
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