目的建立可同时测定大活络胶囊中麝香酮、龙脑、异龙脑、丁香酚、苯甲酸含量的气相色谱(GC)法。方法采用HP-INNOWax(30 m×0.53 mm,1 μm)毛细管色谱柱分离测定,FID检测器,进样口温度230℃,检测器温度240℃,用氮气作为载气,流速2.5 mL/min。色谱柱采用梯度升温,开始温度85℃,以5℃/min升温速率升至185℃,以20℃/min升温速率升至215℃,以1℃/min升温速率升至220℃。分流比为15:1,进样量1 μL,外标法定量。结果麝香酮、龙脑、异龙脑、丁香酚、苯甲酸在同一色谱条件下获得良好分离,且进样量在测定范围内呈良好线性关系,回收率符合要求。结论该方法简便、灵敏、准确,分离度、重复性好,可用大活络胶囊的质量控制。
Objective To establish the simultaneous determination method of muscone, borneol, isoborneol, eugenol and benzoic acid in Dahuoluo Capsule by GC. Methods The GC system consisted of capillary column HP- INNOWax( 30 m × 0. 53 mm × 1 μm); FID as the detector. The inlet temperature was 230 ℃. The detect temperature was 240 ℃. Nitrogen was used as carrying gas( 2. 5 mL / min). The column temperature was programmed from 85 ℃ to 185 ℃ at 5 ℃ / min,then to 215 ℃ at 20 ℃ / min,to 220 ℃ at 1 ℃ / min. The split ratio was 15:1; the injection volume was 1 μL. The external standard method was employed. Results Muscone, borneol, isoborneol,eugenol and benzoic acid in Dahuoluo Capsule were separated well under the same chromatographic condition. Muscone,borneol,isoborneol, eugenol and benzoic acid showed the good linear relationship in the determination range. The recovery rate conformed to the requirements. Conclusion This method is simple,sensitive and accurate with good separation and reproducibility.
China Pharmaceuticals