目的探讨心率变异性检测指标对心脏性猝死(SCD)患者早期预测的临床价值。方法选择我院2010年1月至2013年12月收治入院的心脏性猝死病例100例(观察组),另选择我院同期,一般情况相似的无明显器质性心脏病史的健康体检者100例作为对照组,收集心率变异性(HRV)时域6项指标,并作对比分析。结果观察组RMSSD、SDSD值都明显低于健康对照组,以SD改变最为明显。心肌梗死后发生心源性死亡者SD更低于存活者。心肌梗死后病死率与SD值呈负相关(r=-0.2637,P<0.05)。心肌梗死部位的多少与SD值呈负相关(r=-0.3249,P<0.05)。心肌梗死后SD≤25 ms死亡组14例中,多壁(7例)与单壁(7例)心肌梗死患者SD值差异确有显著性[(16±3)ms和(20±3)ms,P<0.05]。结论心率变异性检测指标中SD、SDSD、rmSASD值预测心脏性猝死发生具有显著的临床意义。
ObjectiveTo study the detection of heart rate variability index on sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with early prediction.Methods Cardiac of our hospital from 2010 January-2013 year in December admitted to hospital, death 100 cases (observation group), the other in our hospital during the same period, generally similar without obvious organic heart disease and 100 healthy cases as control group, the collection of heart rate variability (HRV) of 6 indicators in time domain, and for comparative analysis.Results In the observation group, RMSSD, SDSDvalues were significantly lower than those of healthy controls, the most obvious change in SD. Sudden cardiac death after myocardial infarction SD more than survivors. After myocardial infarction mortality rate was negatively correlated with the SD values (r=-0.2637,P〈0.05). Misite number was negatively correlated with SD (r=-0.3249,P〈0.05). After myocardial infarction SD≤ 25 ms death in 14 cases, multi wall (7 cases) and single wall (7 cases) in patients with myocardial infarction SD value has significant differences [(16&#177;3)ms and (20&#177;3) ms,P〈0.05).Conclusion The detection of heart rate variability index in SD, SDSD, rmSASD value of the occurrence of sudden death has clinical significance significant predictor of heart.
Guide of China Medicine
Sudden cardiac death
Heart rate variability
Detection index