

Research on Resource Leverage Balance Based on Revenue Sharing Mechanism
摘要 资源杠杆能帮助企业快速集成竞争优势所需的资源,但集成资源的收益能否共享是影响资源杠杆平衡的关键。通过模型求解出供应商在资源杠杆条件下自有资源的收益增加值,并分析了自有资源收益增加值的不同分配比例对资源杠杆平衡的影响。研究表明,Nash均衡下的资源收益组合能提高资源杠杆参与者的收益,有利于保持资源杠杆的平衡。 Resource leverage can help an enterprise quickly integrate resource that competitive advantage requires, but whether integrated resource revenue is shared is a key factor to influence the balance of resource leverage. The added rev-enue value of the supplier's own resource under resource leverage is obtained through the model, and the impact of different distribution ratio of the supplier's own resource added revenue value on the balance of resource leverage is analyzed. The research shows that resource revenue portfolio under Nash equilibrium may increase the participants' revenue in resource leverge, which is conducive to keeping the balance of re-source leverge.
机构地区 军事交通学院
出处 《物流科技》 2014年第10期8-11,共4页 Logistics Sci-Tech
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 项目编号:71001106
关键词 收益共享机制 资源杠杆 资源收益 NASH均衡 revenue sharing mechanism resource leverage resource revenue Nash equilibrium
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