

Reinventing Schools:The Case For a Fundamental Change
摘要 不同时代的标志性特征有着巨大差异。整个社会正在由工业社会向信息社会转变,我们有理由相信,范式变革必须也最终将发生在教育领域。一个过时的教育体制不可能为学生在现实生活取得成功做好充分的准备,片段零散的改革难以满足新的教育需求。让我们致力于重塑学校,鼓起勇气,踏上破冰之旅。 The key characteristics of different ages are so disparate . Now the whole society is changing from Industrial Age into Information Age . It stands to reason that paradigm change must and will eventually take place in education . An outdated educational system cannot adequately prepare students to succeed in the world . The piecemeal reforms also cannot meet new educational needs . Let’s dedicate reinventing schools :it’s time to break the mold .
出处 《当代教育与文化》 CSSCI 2014年第5期1-9,共9页 Contemporary Education and Culture
基金 2013年教育部国家级精品资源共享课"教学理论与设计"建设项目成果之一
关键词 重塑学校 范式变革 标志性特征 教育需求 reinventing schools paradigm change key characteristics educational needs
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