
决策神经科学视角下负面口碑再传播评估决策机理研究 被引量:7

A Study?of the Mechanism for Evaluation and Decision of Negative Word-of-Mouth Re-Diffusion: from the Perspective of Decision Neuroscience Theory
摘要 借鉴整合决策神经科学相关理论及研究成果,提出了负面口碑再传播评估决策过程的"六阶段"划分并构建机理模型。实证结果表明:负面口碑再传播评估决策应存在对口碑信息的自动受控处理过程;感知契合性是负面口碑再传播评估决策过程的核心环节,由相似性判断与口碑可信性判断引出,并在两者的共同作用下形成,是决定负面口碑再传播意愿的主要因素;感知契合性与先验品牌态度共同决定了接收负面口碑后的品牌态度,但接收负面口碑后的品牌态度并不会直接影响再传播意愿。 Based on the relative theories and research results in decision neuroscience, this paper proposes the division of "six stages" during the process of evaluation and decision of negative? word-of-mouth?re-diffusion and constructs a mechanism model. The empirical findings indicate that the evaluation and decision of negative?word-of-mouth?re-diffusion should have an automaticly controlled process for the word-of-mouth information. The perception coincidence is the core link in the evalua- tion and decision process of the negative word-of-mouth re-diffusion, which is elicited by similarity judgement and credibility judgement of word-of-mouth and formed by their combined action, thus it becomes a major determinant in the re-diffusion intention of the negative word-of-mouth. Also, the perception coincidence and the prior brand attitude jointly determine the subsequent brand attitude af- ter receiving the negative word-of-mouth; however, this subsequent brand attitude would not directly affect the re-diffuse intention.
出处 《当代财经》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期67-76,共10页 Contemporary Finance and Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70372073)
关键词 负面口碑 再传播 评估决策 决策神经科学 negative word-of-mouth re-diffusion evaluation and decision decision neuroscience
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