

Asia developing country foreign bank supervision present situation and experience reference——take Vietnam as example
摘要 20世纪80年代后,外资银行在发展中国家迅速发展,对东道国关于外资银行的监管提出了更高的要求。越南作为亚洲较早对外开放的发展中国家,金融市场的建设相对完善,目前国内银行业为国有银行、外资银行、私营银行三足鼎立的形式。研究越南对外资银行准入、经营、退出等方面的监管措施,对我国外资银行监管的制度完善具有重要意义。 since 1980's, the foreign banks made a rapid expansion in developing countries, which made it important for host countries to make more strict supervision rules. Vietnam, as an Asian developing country, had open to the outside world in the early years. Now the financial market in Vietnam has a relatively welldeveloped regulatory system. State-owned banks, private banks and foreign banks have a good developing environment. To research and learn some supervision rules about foreign banks of Vietnam is significant for our institutional improvement.
作者 李孟菲
出处 《特区经济》 2014年第9期137-138,共2页 Special Zone Economy
基金 2014年度校级科研基金资助--论文类项目"中外资银行的税费负担比较研究"(项目编号:14Ba012)
关键词 外资银行 监管 越南 发展中国家 foreign banks supervision Vietnam developing country
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