The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of different contents of H2 SO4 in acid- ifying agent on PBI membrane and high temperature fuel cell electrode under the high-temperature acidification condition. Proton exchange membrane is one of the core parts of high temperatureproton exchange membrane(HT-PEM) fuel cells. It plays a very important role for fuel cell's performance. The authors prepared PBI membranes doped with the acidifier by adding different contents of sulfuric acid and tested I-V characteristics and AC impedances of the high temperature PBI membrane fuel cells. The surface differences of the doped PBI membranes were observed with the SEM images, and effects of the doped content of sulfuric acid and the cell temperature on perform- ances of HT-PEM fuel cell were analyzed. It is observed that when PBI membrane of HT-PEM fu- el cell is acidized at high temperature and when the fuel cell works under high temperature condi- tion, the strong oxidizing of H2SO4 plays a leading role, which destroys the internal structure of PBI membrane, hinders transfer of proton, damages PBI membrane and the fuel cell electrode. Conclusion is that although the electrical conductivity of PBI membrane under normal temperature is significantly enhanced after treatment of H2SO4 but the performance of PBI membrane fuel cell is clearly decreased under high temperature. The acidulant which mixed with strong electrolyte and oxidizing H2 SO4 is unfavorable to improve the performance of the high temperature PBI membrane fuel cell.
Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University:Natural Science